Thursday, 22 March 2012

Trim the Barber on ALTSOUNDS

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Review: Trim The Barber - Occupation [Single]

March 21st 2012 // by Phatty73 // More

Do you have a 'Bucket List'? I do. Everyone should have one. The main problem of said lists though is actually achieving all the entries before the sands of time slip away for ever. Finishing this list is even harder when you hear Trim The Barber's 'Occupation' because it will have you diving for your ballpoint to scribe 'see these guys live'.

Seriously, only 15 seconds into the track and we have tribal drumming and a post punk - almost New Order bass line. About a minute later and we are hit with distinct vocals and walls of guitar fuzz that any shoe-gazer would be proud of (well not proud because they would be too nervous staring down at their ragged converse of course).

'Occupation' is just one track from Trim The Barber's up-coming, self titled EP. The band are releasing one track a week from this EP and if 'Occupation' is anything to go by it will most definitely be worth grabbing a copy of the full release.

I would love to expand on the wall of sound these guys emit but I'm off to hit Google for tour dates to get em 'crossed off'.

Occupation is out now.

Trim The Barber EP is released 9th April 2012

For more information, check out: TRIM THE BARBER